Subject: MAKE_SBD: V0.9 Make Story Boards Author: Earl R. Dingman Uploaded By: E1D2P3 Date: 6/4/1996 File: STRYBRD.ZIP (541603 bytes) Estimated Download Time (33221 baud): < 4 minutes Download Count: 1180 Needs: An UnZIPing Program & Windows 3.1 or greater Keywords: Ding,an, Win31,Win 95, Film, Video, TV, BMP Type: Demo-Shareware This program helps you create production story boards, draft copies of comic strips and comic books using already existing Windows bit map graphics images and text or description from your story or script. To install, run INSTALL.EXE To run, launch MAKE_SBD.EXE Documentation: README.WRI plus Online Help